Last night, I was supposed to be guiding a very famous retired general around, but decided to leave him chatting at a cocktail party while I went out to have a swim.
In this recurring dream, I always arrive at Waikiki Beach at night and walk on the white sugar sand beaches in front of various waterfront hotels. Whatever else I do, I always swim and walk on the beach at night.
In dreamland, I go back to my old job near the Aloha Tower and hear folks "talk story" (visit and have long conversations) as I go by.
One morning when I worked in downtown Honolulu, I actually thought that I was having a dream, but it was real. My office was in a very tall building called the Amfac Center. My boss wasn't the most pleasant person. My husband had recently left for a six-month deployment. I could have been moping.
The building was so big that it had its own mini-post office where we all picked up the mail. I exited the elevator and noticed electrical cabling all over the floor. I thought that a contractor was working on the building. I turned and saw THIS leaning against a planter:
Seriously. Dressed almost identically to the pic.I thought I was having an hallucination for just minute and stood there.
"Hi, I hope we're not in your way."
"Oh no Sir, not at all. I just wasn't expecting this."
"We're on a break, did you need to get the mail?"
"Yes, I'll go do that. " And I stood there for another minute and got the mail. I think my mouth was hanging open.
The producers used a conference room on an upper floor to film when Magnum was supposed to go to see someone in the Navy. I wondered later why they didn't send out a notice to everyone and then realized that there would be fans mobbing the Amfac Building.
So, peeps, Tom Selleck is an extremely nice man. I feel even better about him now that he is the New York City Police Commissioner.